Clubinho Brazil program on Saturdays - Subscription
2D Games Workshop and Minecraft Courses - Subscription
Clubinho Brazil program on Saturdays - Subscription
2D Games Workshop and Minecraft Courses - Subscription
Clubinho Brazil program on Saturdays - Subscription
2D Games Workshop and Minecraft Courses - Subscription

Workshops Little Brasil

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Kids Programas


favors the development of self-confidence, as well as skills needed for the socialization process.


The beauty of dance helps in sensory, cognitive and emotional skills. it can contribute to child development beyond health.

fun cooking

They are simple recipes that aim to awaken in the little ones the interest of kitchen organization and preparation of recipes.

Classe Online

The pedagogical contents were developed by ages and from projects and didactic

little club Brazil on Saturdays


The pedagogical contents were developed by ages and from projects and didactic games involving the Brazilian culture, music, cooking and verbal games so that they have contact with the vocabulary in a spontaneous and pleasant way. 

2D Games Workshop and Minecraft Courses ​